Thursday, January 27, 2011

Top 25 Things I Want to do Before I Die...

I could think of over a hundred things I want to do before I die, but here are the 25 that immediately come to mind:
  1. Start a photography business
  2. Write a children's book
  3. Learn how to play the guitar
  4. Run a Mini Marathon
  5. Scuba Dive
  6. Take my sisters to Africa
  7. Bike from Indiana to California
  8. Ride in a hot-air balloon
  9. Go on a cruise
  10. See the Northern Lights
  11. Hike the John Muir Trail
  12. Fly a kite on a beautiful windy day
  13. Read the entire Bible
  14. See Gorilla's in their natural habitat
  15. Go to Prince Edward Island (where they taped Anne of Green Gables)
  16. Be a size 6
  17. Learn how to snowboard
  18. Swim with a dolphin
  19. Become a proficient Spanish speaker
  20. Visit all 50 States
  21. Travel to all of the seven continents
  22. Marry the love of my life
  23. Have a baby
  24. Adopt a baby from Kenya
  25. Win the lottery :)
I didn't include surfing, riding a horse along the beach, seeing a volcano, going to the rainforest, or zip-lining because they are all things I plan on doing in Costa Rice with the T-bear in April!

What are your top 25?

“The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” ~ Author Unknown

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Random Thoughts

I always feel so much better when I wash my feet before I go to sleep

The Little Drummer Boy is now one of my favorite Christmas songs

I LOVE olives, but only the ones with the pits in them. Who knew?

It's crazy how much random people and acts of kidness can CHANGE your life

I need to be more disciplined

Nothing makes my day happier than having a student pick me a flower or randomly come in during recess to tell me how much they love me

I have a sick obsession with sugar and I don't think I could EVER kick my habit

I miss milk

I discovered I do actually like cabbage in some dishes...weird!! (I know Em, I'm always full of surprises!)

After a long hard day nothing sounds better than an ice cold coke and a cheeseburger

I love to say weird words

I truly think imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... I love it when people mock me :)!

I think all teachers would be happier if they took the time to have random dance parties every now and then

I wish American's were more affectionate with one another

I love music more than I love just about anything else in life -- it's always gets me out of my funks and inspires me

I really want to write a children's book...someone please hold me accountable!!!!!

I miss strawberries

I have so many things I want to go before I die...(which I'll mention in a later post. I've got a mad list goin' on)

I love that everytime I open skype it says take a deep breathe :)

I want to start my own photograpy business but I'm too chicken

I believe with all of my heart that if each of us stopped everyday and counted our blessings we wouldn't know a day filled with sadness.

GOD is SO good to me!!!

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"
Audrey Hepburn

Monday, January 24, 2011


Sunday I had one of the best days I've had since coming to Honduras. I went to mass in the morning with Anne, Carrie, Angela, and Dan at St. Gertrudi's. Then we headed over to Andrew's house to wait for our ride. We were all invited to an 8th grade students birthday party. His family has some property out in the country where they were going to go swimming and grill up some good food. Even though I didn't even know who this kid was until yesterday I wasn't going to pass that up. As soon as we arrived I knew the day was going to incredible. Check out this view...

We were all really hungry when we got there and as soon as we got out of the car we were lead to a table where we were served fresh corn tortillas, cheese, carne asada, and some coke to wash it all down. Oh my gosh it was SO good! After having a little bit to eat we were shown the property. When we passed this corn field we had to hop in for a picture. I felt like I was back home ;)

Dan, Angela, Me, Anne, Carrie, and Andrew
Then we headed down to the river...

I thought this tree/insanely large stump thing was really cool
It was incredible! It was raining most of the morning so some of the pictures are a little dark, but later in the afternoon things cleared up and it was beautiful out!

Me and Carrie
All of us had decided we weren't going to swim since the weather was kind of gross, but we all ending up getting in besides Carrie. As you can see I was very happy with my decision...

Having a blast

There was a small drop off that we were all jumping off of throughout the day. Andrew and Dan did a few flips and then Dan and Anne decided to go off together. Dan doing a back flip and Anne doing a front flip. It's hands down the coolest picture of the day...
After swimming we explored the river a little bit more...

I was so nervous to stand up on this log but it ended up being really easy :)

I love these girls!
Then a truck came for us to take us back up to where the party was going on. By this time a lot of people had arrived and we were served food and drinks round 2...

I bit the cap right off that thing...
Second plate of food for the day included carne asada, rice, pico de gallo, refried beans, and a piece of sausage. We ate like kings!
As we were eating I looked over and saw the cutest thing I think I have ever seen in my life! A one day old bunny...
How sweet!
As soon as the woman saw me flipping out over how cute he was she just handed him to me. He fit right into the palm of my hand and had the softest fur! I want one!

There was a really cool fence that just fit perfectly with the country setting...

I love this picture!
I unfortunately didn't actually get to ride this because the engine died, but there's always next time :)
Right before we had to leave I got to do the thing I have been dying to do most -- I got to ride a horse!!!! I never thought I would ride a horse in my swim suit cover-up and chaco shoes, but it felt great to be in a saddle. This guy was super calm and we just went for a little stroll through the woods. 

Perfect setting
Me Encanta Caballos!
 On on way home we ran into a typical Juticulpa traffic jam...
Cows, men on horses, and cars!

I am insanely happy :)

"It is not length of life, but depth of life"
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chucky in Juti?

So my Friday morning started out the same way all of my other mornings do -- waiting at the bus stop with Kandice and Jackie as we talk about the creepy doll head on the top of this truck...

Creepy right?
Well I thought that was all there was to it. Then Jackie said "You should take a picture of the front of it". And I said "What front? There's a front?" OMG words can't even describe the willies I got when I saw this thing....
I have no idea why anyone would strap something like this to their truck, but I don't want to meet the owner. I showed the picture to Stefani at school and she said "ohhh chookie" and I was thinking "chookie?" and then I realized she meant CHUCKY! She hit the nail on the head. This is definitely a Chucky doll if I've ever seen one. CREEEEEPY!!!!!!
Luckily when I got to school I was greeted with big puffy white clouds, a gorgeous blue sky, and some beautiful little smiles!

I have a lot of behavior issues in my class but there is one little boy in my morning class who is constantly refusing to do his work. I always have to ask him 5 to 6 times to get out his journal in the morning. Well the journal question on Friday was "What do you think a sock and a shoe would talk about?" I thought most of the kids wouldn't be into this question, but they were wild about it! This little boy who rarely completes his journal drew a great picture and wrote these Spanish sentences....

It says: "You're the smelliest" "No you're the smelliest"
I was ecstatic and I couldn't have asked for a better start to the day! Shortly after the kids finished up their journals they had religion class, which meant I got a 40 minute break :). So I headed outside to take come videos and pictures of Anne's Kinder class in action. Each morning they do 20 minutes of songs and I think it's the cutest thing! 

Here is the group...
I am so blessed to teach here!
Ella (Anne's counterpart) asked them "Que vive (who lives)?" and they all shouted "Cristo (Christ)!" As you can see they got really into it...

Both of my classes earned 20 minutes of extra recess on Friday. It was so much to go outside and play with them and take some really cute pictures and videos...

Me with Milsa (our secretary at school). I love her!
Haha! I just love them!

My little crazy kids

They love to take pictures of me

Little Alejandro (Wendy's son)

Jafeth (a third grader)

I was trying to get them to kneel on each other but they didn't understand

Joseemir with my sunglasses on :)

Kimberly and sweet!

Adorable picture of Maria Jose and Jackie. 

My happy little campers

I wish this face always matched his behavior in class

Darien and Max

Here are a few videos I took of the day. The first one is of the Kinder kids. Check out some of these dance moves...

My little rugrats playing a game...

I have the BEST job in the world!!!

I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend :)

“Be yourself. Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish” –John Jakes

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bajo El Mismo Techo (Life As We Know It)

I went back to the movie theatre last Saturday to see...

This time I got some shots of the different snacks offered...

Here are the marshmallow cups I was telling you about...
Wild huh?
I think it's silly that they even sell you a ticket. You go up to a counter to buy the ticket and then a man collects it two feet away before you enter the one theatre that they have. You don't even get to keep half of the ticket stub. They should just take your money at the door instead of wasting the paper.

They show movies on Tuesday nights at 7:00p.m. and on Saturday's at 3 and 7:30p.m.

I actually watched this movie on my plane ride down, but I liked it so much I wanted to see it again. As usually we were some of the only people in the theatre. When I busted out my camera to get a picture of the inside, Andrew and Jeff said they didn't know if they wanted to see what the place actually looked like. It probably was better not knowing. As you can see from the picture it's not the cleanest place. Those chairs don't look like they've been wiped down in years... 
The theatre
It's still a great place to be on a Saturday afternoon. Let the tradition continue...

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
-- Havelock Ellis

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy Hump Day

"Laugh when you can, 
apologize when you should, 
and let go of what you can't change. 
Life's too short to be anything... but happy" - Anonymous

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Honkytonk Homeslice

Last week Jess (a return volunteer) came to visit. She came to Santa Clara to check out the school and went to the orphanage to see the two little girls her family sponsors. Carrie and Angela came to the orphanage the same day to pass out some hats Carrie had knitted for the kids who go to Santa Clara...

Jess with Julisa (Prepa) and Yaritza (Kinder)

Julisa excited to show Maria her new toy from her sponsors 

Me with Jillian -- the most adorable little girl!

Carrie putting Yaritza's hat on

My little Maxi

Carrie with Maria Jose sporting her new knit headband
I love it when I make it to the orphanage on Sunday's to see the kids. This particular day as we were walking up the drive four of the kids just came running to us. Stuff like that just melts my heart. They are such sweet kids!

The the day after Jess left Anne's mom came to visit. She is staying with Anne for the week and has been coming to school everyday to help Anne in her classroom. Mom - they asked when you're coming to visit, haha. 

It's so nice to meet the other volunteers family members. Anne's mom is wonderful and she was kind enough to take all of us out for tajadas at the pink garage (one of our favorite hot spots in town). 
The group with Anne's mom
The past week has been filled with animals...

Let me first introduce you to "Hitler" and "Spot" who live in between Maki/Peggy and Andrew/Jeff/Lacey. Hitler got his name for being a terror. He's been spotted trying to attack little kids and frequently growling and showing his teeth. Although the day I took these pictures he was really calm -- great for me :)! Spot got his name for the spot over his left eye. He's such a sweet little guy and I just love him to death.
Hitler and Spot

Oh the terror!

See what I mean?
Ok, so the past three days I've left my house there have been multiple cows hanging out in the grass across the road. The first time I opened the gate and saw them there I jumped a little bit, then I laughed because I love them! Cows are so cute and so funny...
Kandice with our new vaca friends

Then a cow followed me to JAL's house from the grocery store yesterday. I spotted this beauty outside of Las Palmas and instantly named her Dolly. As soon as the word slipped out of my mouth I saw the D branded to her side...perfect or what -- I thought so!! Andrew claimed "she" was in fact a "he", but when I changed the name to Donald the cow didn't respond. It liked the name Dolly whatever gender it was. It walked next to us for a while, but then turned down a side road. I thought I had lost her, but then I saw her turning the corner onto JAL's road. "She seriously followed me?" is what I was thinking as a little girl walked up and informed me that the cow lived a street over. was fun while it lasted!

It's not what you do once in a while, it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference. 
-- Jenny Craig