Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Honkytonk Homeslice

Last week Jess (a return volunteer) came to visit. She came to Santa Clara to check out the school and went to the orphanage to see the two little girls her family sponsors. Carrie and Angela came to the orphanage the same day to pass out some hats Carrie had knitted for the kids who go to Santa Clara...

Jess with Julisa (Prepa) and Yaritza (Kinder)

Julisa excited to show Maria her new toy from her sponsors 

Me with Jillian -- the most adorable little girl!

Carrie putting Yaritza's hat on

My little Maxi

Carrie with Maria Jose sporting her new knit headband
I love it when I make it to the orphanage on Sunday's to see the kids. This particular day as we were walking up the drive four of the kids just came running to us. Stuff like that just melts my heart. They are such sweet kids!

The the day after Jess left Anne's mom came to visit. She is staying with Anne for the week and has been coming to school everyday to help Anne in her classroom. Mom - they asked when you're coming to visit, haha. 

It's so nice to meet the other volunteers family members. Anne's mom is wonderful and she was kind enough to take all of us out for tajadas at the pink garage (one of our favorite hot spots in town). 
The group with Anne's mom
The past week has been filled with animals...

Let me first introduce you to "Hitler" and "Spot" who live in between Maki/Peggy and Andrew/Jeff/Lacey. Hitler got his name for being a terror. He's been spotted trying to attack little kids and frequently growling and showing his teeth. Although the day I took these pictures he was really calm -- great for me :)! Spot got his name for the spot over his left eye. He's such a sweet little guy and I just love him to death.
Hitler and Spot

Oh the terror!

See what I mean?
Ok, so the past three days I've left my house there have been multiple cows hanging out in the grass across the road. The first time I opened the gate and saw them there I jumped a little bit, then I laughed because I love them! Cows are so cute and so funny...
Kandice with our new vaca friends

Then a cow followed me to JAL's house from the grocery store yesterday. I spotted this beauty outside of Las Palmas and instantly named her Dolly. As soon as the word slipped out of my mouth I saw the D branded to her side...perfect or what -- I thought so!! Andrew claimed "she" was in fact a "he", but when I changed the name to Donald the cow didn't respond. It liked the name Dolly whatever gender it was. It walked next to us for a while, but then turned down a side road. I thought I had lost her, but then I saw her turning the corner onto JAL's road. "She seriously followed me?" is what I was thinking as a little girl walked up and informed me that the cow lived a street over. Haha...it was fun while it lasted!

It's not what you do once in a while, it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference. 
-- Jenny Craig


Anonymous said...

Hahaha!! You are such a character, Bridget!

I'm glad that you enjoy life so much - even when you realize that a cow isn't really following you!!

I always enjoy reading your stories.

Love of you,


Anonymous said...

You can let the other volunteers know that they can come visit ME anytime because I'm not sure I will make it to visit them.(LOL)

Love Ya.
