Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No Más Cámara

My camera is officially broken :(

I'm trying not to be too sad about it because it's just a material possession, but man I loved that thing!

I was getting a travel size bottle for Kandice to take on her trip -- when I grabbed the bag it caught my camera and before I knew it I heard a big clunk! Now the lens won't come out and the camera just makes a clicking sound when I turn it on.

I'm hoping by some miracle it'll work again, but I troubleshooted for a few hours and nothing has worked. Luckily, enough of the volunteers here have cameras that I can borrow one if I need to. I just want to make sure I have something better than a basic point and shoot to take with me to Costa Rica, which is eight short weeks away now :).

So, do any of you have a camera similar to this:

that I could borrow for my trip? Or that you're trying to sell?

I can't afford the over $400 price tag on this one, but something more in the $100 range.

If anyone had one I could borrow Theresa could bring it down with her and then back to the states. I have two memory cards so I wouldn't need any of that -- just the camera itself.

I would love you forever! My life just doesn't feel right without my camera!

Hoping for a better tomorrow...

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"
-- Reinhold Niebuhr

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate to hear that you broke your are such a good photographer. I'll see what I can do before you go to Costa Rica....

Love Ya
