Thursday, March 31, 2011


I am freakishly afraid of bugs (almost all kinds), some rodents, some reptiles, and some amphibians...but almost ALL bugs!!

Today as I was sitting in my classroom during my break, talking to Rosita, Jackie walks in and asks how I feel about giant bugs. As soon as the question escapes her mouth, and before I can even respond, I see Kenya walking behind her with a yellow box containing a GIANT bug!! I didn't even have to see it closely to know how big it was. I could just see the things outline and that was enough to make me start shaking and freaking out! So of course Kenya picks it up so we can have a better look. I gave my camera to Jackie and said "Here, you go and take pictures of it, because I can't even bare to look at it"...



Seriously?!?! I didn't even know bugs got this big!
After I finally got the nerve to look at it up close I decided I had to hold it. I'm crazy, I know! I have this weird thing were I like to challenge myself and see if I can overcome my fears. That's why I went skydiving a few years ago and that's why I decided to hold the biggest bug I have ever seen today!

It took a few minutes for me to even get near it. I was literally shaking and trying to catch my breath. Rosita found the whole thing very amusing...

Alright I'm going for it...

OMG! I can't believe I picked it up. This is my "I'm going to try and smile as I'm freaking out" face...

Bridget: 1 Big Bug: 0

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear” –Ambrose Redmoon


Auntie Kare said...

As you know, I gave serious consideration to visiting you. This is the week of my Spring Break. This means, had I gone, I would have been there for the BIG BUG! I love and I miss you, and more than once these last few days I've thought about what I might be missing. Thanks for the time appropriate post to help confirm I made the right decision! :)

By the way, it was the RAT video that made the decision fir me!

Anonymous said...

You are crazy. I wouldn't DREAM of touching that bug.


I'm glad you could conquer your fear....I'll keep mine.



Stephanie said...

You picked that up?!? Good job facing your fears! That thing is gigantic!

Brie said...

YOU ARE INSANE!!!!!!!!!!! That is the most disgusting thing EVER! AHHHH! I'm so creeped out FOR YOU, and I'm sitting in Indiana! AHHHHH! Way to go though, seriously. WOW. I really thought it was going to be an April Fools' Day joke until I saw more pictures.

Robbie said...

Can you bring 2 of them home for me, I like em

Bridget said...

Robbie - NO WAY!