Saturday, July 2, 2011

Graduation (The Final Honduran Chapter)

WOW! I can't believe ten months have come and gone and I'm writing my last blog post!

I read back through the first blog I wrote when I arrived in Honduras and I couldn't believe some of the things I said . Like:

"I cannot believe I will be living here for the next ten months! The transition so far has been extremely hard on me" -- Now I can't believe I'm leaving! They say Olancho is easy to enter but impossible to leave and it's so true!

"The water only runs from 4p.m.-5p.m. everyday" - this isn't even true, so I don't know where I got that info.

"I discovered that no one here really speaks English, which I wasn't expecting" - AHAHAHA! Now that statement sounds crazy, but the only other international teaching experience I had was in Kenya where a lot of people speak English. So it made sense that I thought that way, but I still can't believe I said that!

"None of the teachers at Santa Clara (my school) speak any English, so it is going to be VERY difficult to communicate" - Non-verbal communication goes a LONG way :)

"...and right as I was about to dose off I heard multiple roosters start screaming their heads off" - The roosters were still driving me crazy by the end of the year but I slept soundly almost every night.

It's crazy how much can change in a ten month period. I feel wiser, more at peace, and happier than I did ten months ago. I feel confident as a teacher and in who I am as a person! The "volunteers" I blogged about at beginning of my trip are now some of my best friends! And I fell in love with 54 little people who I will never forget!

This year has been a beautiful gift!

Before leaving Juticalpa for the last time I got to see the Kindergarten and Sixth grade graduations!

Here are the sweet Kindergarten kids in their caps and gowns...
They came up one by one to receive their diplomas and have their picture taken...
Miss Jackie with one of her students
After the graduation ceremony was over we hopped into cars and traveled about 10 minutes to the party location. I couldn't believe my eyes when we got there! They had a moon jump, covered tents with tables and chairs set up, and delicious catered food. The kids all had a great time playing with each other and the adults enjoyed conversing over their meals.

After the party was over Wendy gave us a ride in the back of her mom's truck. There are few things I love more than riding in the back of a pick-up truck!

Me and Alejandro (Wendy's son)
The next day it was time for the sixth grade graduation...
Jonesy, Me, and Jeff - we clean up nice, huh?!?!
All of the kids looked so sophisticated in their caps and gowns...
Father threw up the peace sign during his homily, haha...
Jeff giving one of his kids a pat of congratulations, I love this picture...
Photo credit goes to Mike Jones
It was really special to watch these kids graduate from sixth grade in a country where over half don't...
How fun!
The sixth grade team...
Profe: Bessy and Mr. Ball
I love Bessy...
Oh, Jonesy noticed half way during the ceremony that this lady and I had on similar dresses, so I took a picture with her...

***Thanks for letting me borrow the dress Maks :)

I was able to meet Beth, last years first grade teacher, at the graduation...
Peg, Me, and Beth (Future, Present, and Past)
She was just as friendly and nice as everyone said she was!

After the ceremony Sor tried on one of the graduation caps :)...
She is such a character!
Walking into the party afterwards blew me away. It looked like a prom/wedding reception. 

Check it out...
After an adorable slide show was presented and speeches were given they let the graduates have a little bit of champagne. They were all freaking out and felt so cool...
I love the kids face in the second row...he's saying "SCORE!"
The boys wore very nice tuxes and the schools wore beautiful dresses...
There were backdrops throughout the room where the grads could have their pictures taken.

Jeff got in on a few...
It was great to see all of the teachers one last time and a few of my students...
What a face!
After everyone ate and had full bellies we danced the night away! 

Congratulations Class of 2011!

Thank you all for reading my blog for the last ten months. It's been a great way for me to stay connected and it's really helped me to reflect on my experience. Your words of support and encouragement have meant a lot! You really helped carry me through this year with all of the ups and downs I experienced!

A HUGE thank you to Peggy and Maki for putting your heart and soul into everything you do. I'm amazed at the amount of work the two of you accomplished this year. The students at Santa Clara are better people because of the two of you!

Thank you to all of the other volunteers. Every single one of you mean the world to me and I'm a better person for knowing you! This year would not have been the same without you!

This has been the BEST year of my life and I'm SO grateful for every moment! God is incredible and I'm happy he loves me so much :)!

I can't believe it's over, but I'm ready for the next chapter...

Bring it on!

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me"" –Erma Bombeck

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