Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Rat

Just after I submitted my last post I had quite the event go down in my house. I was feeling extra energetic tonight, so I decided before I got the last of my grading done I would start setting stuff aside that I needed to take home. As I was lifting up some of my clothes to take inventory, I noticed a large lump underneath one of my shirts... and when that lump started to move I screamed bloody murder!! IT WAS A RAT!!!

We've had mice before but nothing as big and ugly as this thing! Of course after I spotted him and started screaming he took off running right underneath my bed. So I put on my badge of courage and scooted the bed out to try and get him to run out of the house. But to no avail he wouldn't leave. Instead he hid under the other tower in my room. At this point I decided I needed to document this guy. Here is what went down after I realized he was under my other tower...

After laughing hysterically that Kandice got on top of the table I tried three or four more times to get him to leave, but I couldn't lift the furniture and chase him with the broom at the same time. So I frantically called Lacey and had her send Jeff and Andrew over. They showed up about 5 minutes later with a sword in hand. I asked Andrew is he was going to chop off his head, but he assured me he only brought it so he wouldn't have to actually touch the rat. My heart was RACING because I knew it was just waiting under our couch and I would have to see it scurry across the floor again. Jeff figured out a plan of attack and here's what happened...

SUCCESS! Thank God! I don't think I would have been able to sleep unless I knew that thing was not in our house. A huge thanks to Andrew and Jeff for saving the day. I seriously thought if I ever saw a rat I could man up and handle it, but I think the screams prove otherwise.

I think I'll still be sleeping with one eye open...just in case...

 “There is something you must always remember…you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think”   -Winnie the Pooh


Karen said...

My heart is racing just watching the video!!!
At the same time, it cracks me up that you were able to video it all!

Anonymous said...

Bridget...I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. I'm literally (not figuratively) crying right now. Thanks so much for being you!

PS - Isn't it ironic that my word verification is qualrat?

Brie said...

OMG! I can hardly type right now because I'm crying and laughing so hard!!! Cierra is too! Cierra said that she wasn't expecting the rat to go the other way! It was an unexpected turn of events! Whew, I'm glad the boys got it out of there! At least we know it's not in your suitcase. Just in case, pack things up then ZIP IT SHUT!!! ;) SEE YOU IN LESS THAN A WEEEEEEK!!!

Stephanie said...

eeee! I think you scared the rat as much as it scared you! Way to be brave!