Monday, October 11, 2010

Giving Thanks

Hi Bridget's friends and blog followers!  This is Brie.  BK and I have been friends for almost 20 years!  We both have a blog, so we thought it would be fun to guest post on each other's for a day.  If you'd like to follow my blog, just go to  

Yesterday at mass, our priest was talking about being appreciative and giving thanks.  Most of us who grew up with manners say "thank you" to someone when they hold open a door, buy us a meal, or do something nice for us.  Too often, though, we forget to say "thanks" to the people we are closest to in life.  Did you tell your mom how much you appreciate the cookies she made for you?  Did you express gratitude to your friend for meeting you on short notice to have coffee?  Did you tell your dad how much you like your new fire pit that he built for you?  

It's amazing how we can be so polite to strangers, and yet sometimes forget to express our gratitude to the ones we love the most.  

So, here are a few things I'd like you to thank God for today:

-the clean air you're breathing
-the warmth of the sun (or perhaps a nice, cozy sweater)
-the clean water you're drinking, using to shower, and using for your laundry
-the food you have to eat - you have so many options!
-the money you have in your bank account - it's obviously enough to start an account
-the opportunities you have had so far in life - education, church, social interaction, etc.
-people who sacrifice their time and energy so that others can grow, have freedom, get healthier, etc. 
-sunsets & sunrises
-the chance to start over each day
-(one of my personal favorites) a nice bed to sleep on, so that you will wake up refreshed each day
-the friends in your life!
-your family!
-God's unconditional love! :) 

...and if that's not enough, check this website out on any given day for 5 things to be happy about:

Today's list (in case you can't open it): 

  • unshrinkable flannel shirts
  • soft lamplight
  • a favorite trail
  • when blushing subsides
  • food, love, literature
  • kid-sized backpacks
I have to end with a quote, since Bridget always does!  

"Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit."
Gordon Parks

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