Friday, October 8, 2010

You Might be in Honduras If...

Andrew had a rough day at school last week and wasn't in high spirits so I told him I would go home and send him some jokes to make his day better. I decided to send him a bunch of "You Might be a Redneck if..." jokes. My absolute favorite :)! That gave him the idea to do a blog on "You Might be in Honduras if..." These are the things he came up with...

1) When asking where something is, people respond by making kissy faces at you.
     Well, not AT you exactly. When pointing at something, it is customary down here to point with your lips rather than our finger. This is VERY disconcerting if you are not from around here. Especially when your students do it to point at the chalkboard behind you.

2) Clothes hung on the line to dry, when left out in the rain, are considered to have an extra rinse.
     Because honestly, it's just too much work to wash them again. They'll be a bit stiff, but at least they don't smell bad anymore.

3) When looking at a dog in the street, you wonder what's going on with it.
     Nobody spays or neuters dogs down here. Being a spoiled gringo, I'm used to pedigree, clean cut (in more ways than one) canines kept on leashes. Here they wander free, keep to their own packs and territories, and scare the living daylights out of anyone who walks past their house at night. The blind corners on the doorways get you every time. Thank goodness most doors have fly screens and wrought iron gates.

4) The sound of distant gunfire late at night seems normal to you.

    What is this, downtown Baltimore city? Apparently two major families in the city are feuding and things have become a bit edgy of late. They aren’t looking for gringos, but it’s still best to keep indoors after 9 in the evening.

5) You have a high speed internet connection and no running water.
     I think I’m down to only three or four showers a week, depending on how much work I have in the evening. Honestly you sweat so much at night there almost isn’t any point in showering in the evening, you just end up waking up as filthy as you were when you got home. I would make an effort to shower more, but we just cleaned out the pila two days ago, and the water stopped running just as we started to refill it. If we want to be able to flush the toilet and do the dishes until we get water again, sacrifices must be made. On the plus side, all the dirt helps to keep the sun off. (***This last part doesn't apply to my house, but it's funny so I kept it in!)

Happiness is a conscious choice not an automatic response.
~Mildred Barthel

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