Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mt. Boqueron

The start of our hike
Sonia was very prepared! This cute cow really liked her and wanted to eat her blue sachel. It was hysterical to watch her yell at it and try to swat it away.

As we were hiking along there was a section of the trail covered with cows. It was so much fun to see them all interacting with each other. These three were cracking me up! The guy in the middle looks so annoyed with the two in the front. They were doing some friendly head butting.
Tobacco field with a view
This was the most incredible view from the whole hike! It was insanely beautiful up there. There wasn't a summit so this was highest view we got. 
Sonia wouldn't smile, so...
I made her take another picture and this is what she did. I love her! This woman lived in Moscow during the Cold War and has visit countless other countries. She speaks Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and English. She is in amazing shape and full of adventure. She's going to the island of Utila in a few weeks to get her scuba diving certification. Oh, and she saves cute animals all day long!

I was able to see all sorts of beautiful things on my hike up the mountain:
This butterfly had the most amazing blue wings! I wish I could have gotten a picture of one with it's wings open, but it was hard enough to get this. They don't land for very long!
Tree Frog
Awesome caterpillar!
Whoo hoo -- I made it! I did a little jog and sang "Eye of the Tiger" as I rounded the last bend.
Our group -- Carrie, Anne, Jeff, Andrew, Me, and Michelle
This was taken on the way back down. What a beautiful view! 
The grass was extremely high in some places...literally over my head at points. This was the view I had for about a half an hour on the way down.
Check this out...a truck, a chicken, a man with a machete, and a boy on a horse all cruising down the street!

"God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart. ♥" (Thanks Brie)


Aunt Karen said...

Great photos and descriptions... but your description on the last photo made me laugh out loud! That pictures about sums it all up, huh? ;)


Brie said...

That tree frog both freaks me out and is totally awesome. I've only seen it in pictures - you saw it in its natural habitat! SO COOL! You're going to have the best lesson plans for your kids when you get a class here in the states!

Aunt Karen said...

By the way, there is a guy on a bicycle, too! hahaha! xoxo

Bridget said...

Aunt Karen - YES!!! Ahahaha! I knew I left something out...