Monday, February 28, 2011

Carne Asada es Muy Rico

Last Tuesday night we were invited to have dinner with the bishop of Juticalpa. He served us some great spaghetti and meatballs and provided us with some excellent dinner conversation. It was a great night with good company. 

Before we left for the night we were invited to a marimba party the following evening. It was being held at one of my student's houses and her parents said she would love it if I came, so I couldn't really turn them down. Plus I found out they were grilling carne asada for us and I never pass up carne. It's the most delicious beef I've ever had! Even though it was Wednesday night and I knew I would be exhausted on Thursday, I put on my dancing shoes and headed out. I'm so glad I did because it was a great night!

They had this marimba band come just for us! The bishop was there with his two nieces and their two friends who were visiting from the states. Then we had Anne, Carrie, Lacey, Andrew, Jeff, and me form our group. So in total we had eleven gringos and five Hondurans. We couldn't believe we had the band all to ourselves, but we made the most of it and had a lot of fun with them.

Here's the group of marimba players....

I really wanted to try out their instruments -- and as I was waiting for them to finish with the current song they were playing the drummer saw me eyeing this guy and passed it over. I was really excited...

 So was Anne...

After they finished with their first set, and took a break to eat, we jumped right in there...

We were the worst marimba band to set foot in Honduras!
It was much harder to play those instruments than I thought. You really have to hit the marimba in just the right way to get the desired sound. I'm impressed with the music these guys make!

The family also had a foosball table at their house and it got a lot of use that night. I tried my hand at a few rounds and lost horribly to Anne. I think Jeff and Bishop Muldoon took the trophy for the night... 

Rita in the background is one of my first graders. 
There were a bunch little kids watching us from the street...

I tried to get them to come in and dance but they just giggled and ran away from me. I think they watched us dance from out there for a solid two hours though. I guess gringos dancing to marimba is pretty solid entertainment.

I had never seen a marimba band before coming to Honduras but I really love them. If you ever get a chance to check one out I definitely recommend it!

“To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are”


Aunt Karen said...

What great fun! xoxo

Anonymous said...

They sure know how to celebrate in Honduras.....

I think that's where I want to have my next birthday party.....

Love ya
