Tuesday, January 11, 2011


We went to see "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" at the movie theatre on Saturday. It's actually now the third movie I've seen there. I went to see a recycling documentary that a Peace Corps volunteer did and "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole" (which was completely in Spanish). The movie theatre looks just like a Movies 8 and it's about the same price -- $2 a flick. It's a great hang out spot because the seats recline back a little bit and the place is air conditioned. SOLD!

We were all cracking up on Saturday though because there was almost no one in the theatre besides us and even though the movie was scheduled to start at 3:00 I think it was 3:30 before it actually started. That's not a long time to wait, but it's just so typical Honduras that you have to laugh. As we sat inside the pitch black theatre before the movie started we could hear the bats flying around and even saw one hanging upside down by one of the windows -- definitely one of my more interesting movie experiences. Also one of the snacks offered at the concession stand is a plastic cup filled to the brim with a marshmallow substance. I'll have to try and sneak a picture the next time I'm there. Once the movie started we were almost positive it would be in Spanish because it was a kids movie. Most of the kids movies are in Spanish and the adult movies are in English with Spanish subtitles. BUT when the movie started and we saw Spanish subtitles pop up we all cheered :). It was great and Jeff even said "This is better than Christmas" ...haha! The things we get excited about!

Needless to say going to the movie theatre is an adventure all on it's own...and I think it's going to become a weekly or at least biweekly activity.

We have had two return volunteers visiting this week. It's so nice to see previous volunteers come back to visit their old students. The kids always get so excited and it's easy to see how much the volunteers love them! Anne's mom is also here this week. It's wonderful to meet the other volunteers family members!

The weather was phenominal the first few days we got back. I mean I seriously couldn't have asked for anything more beautiful. One day when it was in the high 70's I was walking home as this wonderful breeze started up. I could see a palm tree just ahead hanging over the roof of a building and for a split second I thought I'd died and gone to some tropical beach. Then I remembered I do get to do that in 13 weeks when I go to Costa Rica with Theres :)!

Now I'm over the weather already. It's been in the 80's and feels really sticky to me. I can't imagine how hot it's going to get in April! Hopefully my body does well with the adjustment.

Enjoy the snow for me :)

"Cinema should make you forget you are sitting in a theater" ~Roman Polanski

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The movie theater sounds pretty eerie to me....

Right now I would change your weather for ours...but I don't think I would last very long without air conditioning.

Love Ya.
