Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm Baaaaccckkk

I made it back to Juti safe and sound...

I thought I would be the only person on my flight from Atlanta to Tegucigalpa but to my wonderful surprise Lacey and Peggy were on the same flight. I was so excited to see them! Once we landed and got through customs we saw Carrie, Dan, Maki, Andrew, Anne, and Jeff. There were a lot of hugs exchanged and big cheesy grins on everyone's faces. I can't say enough how grateful I am to be volunteering with such a wonderful group! It's great to be reunited again :)

The three and a half hour bus ride into Juti was filled with sharing stories about our breaks and catching a few Zzz's

My time at home was incredible! It was so great to see everyone and get to spend time with my family and friends. I did have a few days of feeling pretty overwhelmed with everything and I think I may have driven my poor mom into the looney bin ;)! Sorry to anyone I had minor freak out on. I promise not to be so emotional next July :)!

Here are some highlights from my trip home:

I got to spend Christmas with my wonderful family...

Meg and Me

I LOVED singing Christmas carols with my Aunt Monica (on piano), Uncle Tony (on guitar), Uncle Charley (vocals), and my Aunt Caroline (vocals). It just isn't Christmas without some beautiful music!

Buzzwald, Theres, and Me (with Julia--my hairdresser-- in the background)

My "twin" cousin Brian (the less cute version of me :) ) and cousin Joe!

My adorable Mom! Isn't she just the cutest thing?!?!

My Mom and Robbie -- how cute!

Sweet little Addy bear :) -- my step-sister Erica's daughter
I worked Bingo with my mom, aunts, and one of my cousins. Don't be tricked by the elderly -- when it comes to bingo they don't mess around!!
My Mom and me at Bingo
Brie hosted a fun "ugly sweater" party! I got to eat some great food and see some wonderful people.
I was really excited to have snow for Christmas!

Yes, I wore onesie pajamas and loved every minute I was in them! I even went into Kroger in that get up and boy did I get some weird looks. I borrowed these from Heather, but I think I need my own set to rock every winter :)!
I was home in time to see the fantastic Christmas concert Joey puts on every year at St. Roch. The concert was phenominal and I got to catch up with some old friends...

Mel-Gisbon, Me, Joe, Gabe, and Heath...friends from grade school :)

Joey and Me after the concert

With Brie in front of some of the Christmas trees

I love these people! Melissa, Me, Brie, Stephanie H., Stephanie M., and Liz
Brie took me on a "Tour de Food" so I could try some cool new restaurants. We started at "Bubs" in Carmel and had some tasty burgers. Then we headed to "Brugge" in Broadripple for some delicious french fries with homemade sauces. I believe we tried the homemade ketchup, blue cheese, garlic basil ailoi, and a pesto. After that we went to the "Flying Cupcake" for desert. YUM YUM YUM!!
Heather, Me, and Ryne at Brugge

I got to watch my beautiful friend Bobbi marry her best friend :)...

Kathy, Bobbi, and Me at Bob's wedding
After Bobbi's wedding I rang in the new year with some good friends...

Ashley, Heather, and Me

With C!

The night before I flew out I went to Dave and Busters. My friend Vinnie was having a going away party because he got an awesome new job in Seattle and will be there three weeks out of every month. I'd never been to Dave and Busters before and I realized very quickly it was an adult Chuck E. Cheese. It was a fun night and so nice to see more friends!

John, Kristine, Heather, Robert, Bob, and Ross -- they were trying to look like a Christian Rock album cover, did they succeed?
Me and Robert
I feel so loved that people were sad to see me leave...

Haha - Brie and Ryne -- this was a nice little surprise as I was looking through the pictures on my camera. You two are very sneaky!

Emily and Amanda - I can't believe I don't have any pictures with either of you! Be ready to say "cheese" in July!!

Thank you to everyone for making my time home so memorable! I live such a blessed life filled with beautiful people and I'm so thankful!

Now it's time to get back to the daily grind. Tomorrow is the first day back to school and I couldn't be more excited to see all of my little taters!

Bring on 2011...

"Remember that despite all of our work, --Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime; so, we live in hope.--Nothing true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; so, we live in faith.--Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; so, we live in love"


Brie said...

Oh, Bridggy, Bridggy, Bridggy...I'm so glad you came home! That last picture was gross, good thing I didn't check it out before turning your camera off or I would have deleted it! :oP Glad you made it back safely and are ready for the "bump and grind" as you said, haha! Can't wait to video chat with you soon! :)

Anonymous said...

i think you meant "time to get back to the grind"... bump and grind just sounds too inappropriate, if you catch my drift. glad you made it back safely. ill try to get myself picture-ready for July anyhow. love you and miss you.
