Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bajo El Mismo Techo (Life As We Know It)

I went back to the movie theatre last Saturday to see...

This time I got some shots of the different snacks offered...

Here are the marshmallow cups I was telling you about...
Wild huh?
I think it's silly that they even sell you a ticket. You go up to a counter to buy the ticket and then a man collects it two feet away before you enter the one theatre that they have. You don't even get to keep half of the ticket stub. They should just take your money at the door instead of wasting the paper.

They show movies on Tuesday nights at 7:00p.m. and on Saturday's at 3 and 7:30p.m.

I actually watched this movie on my plane ride down, but I liked it so much I wanted to see it again. As usually we were some of the only people in the theatre. When I busted out my camera to get a picture of the inside, Andrew and Jeff said they didn't know if they wanted to see what the place actually looked like. It probably was better not knowing. As you can see from the picture it's not the cleanest place. Those chairs don't look like they've been wiped down in years... 
The theatre
It's still a great place to be on a Saturday afternoon. Let the tradition continue...

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
-- Havelock Ellis


Anonymous said...

It's crazy how different things are there. Where's the popcorn and candy at the theatre? It looks more like things you would get at a coffee shop.

I'd be a little nervous sitting in the dark in that theatre!

But, I guess, when in Honduras!

Love Ya!


Aunt Karen said...

Haha! That marshmallow stuff looks nasty! But then again, I'm not a fan. At least it was a cool place and a couple of hours away from the craziness of "real life as you know it" right now!

Though I don't always post, know that I LOVE reading your blog!

Karen xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Different snacks, but other than that, I'm thinking they moved the old Morris Street Theater to Honduras!

Love you,


Bridget said...

Haha I love you three! You always leave the funniest comments :)

Mom - They have popcorn and a little bit of candy. But definitely on a much lower scale than the states.

Kare - I agree about the marshmallow cups...yuck! I'll try to call you sometime this weekend. We're in need of a catch up!

MTF - Let's see if you can figure out what those initials stand for ;). Your comment cracked me up even though I've never seen that theatre!

YFA said...

Most Terrific Female?

Bridget said...

Haha no...

MTF = Mi Tia Favorita

YFA said...

Jaja! Me encanta!

Did I say that right? I used a translator. I kinda like that "jaja" though!