Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can This Really Be The End?

It's June 1st and I only have two more days with my students. I thought I would be okay until Friday, but as soon as I got to school Monday morning the tears came. They came again during Acto Civico and then again when I got into my classroom. I'm a mess!

I know I'm going to cry everyday and Friday is going to be heart wrenching! How do I say goodbye to 53 little people who all have a piece of my heart?

Most of them I don't worry about and I know they have loving families and will go places in their lives. But what about Jose Alberto and Maria Jose who live in the orphanage and don't have a stable home life? What happens to them ten years down the road? I want to always be in their lives, cheering them on, and telling them they can do it. I can e-mail and get messages to them that way, but it's not the same as being here!

I know it's time for me to come home though and start my next adventure. But that won't make leaving any easier! I just keep thinking about Kenya and how hard it was to leave, and I was only there for two and a half months! Honduras has had ten of the most beautiful months of my life and it's going to be so hard to walk away from that.

I'll miss the little things more than anything....

My students running up to me with huge smiles to tell me I'm beautiful, notes that say "I love you Miss King", Gian Marco telling me how much he loves my class and how happy he is that I'm his teacher, Harrison talking as fast as he can in his raspy little man voice, Sergio letting out a hysterical giggle randomly during conversations I have with him, Jose Alberto reaching for my hand at the end of the day to walk him down the hallway (even if he's been on red or orange), Amanda constantly wanting to play with my hair, Joseemir talking in a creepy voice during calendar time, Omar randomly giving me the most sincere hugs, Anyelo's beautiful smile, all of the laughter - lots of laughter, the look of sheer joy on a child's face when they "get it", singing songs, Jose Francisco walking into my classroom like an old man every morning and making the craziest faces, talking to Pablo about our dads being up in heaven together, Valeria reading to me brilliantly in English, Daniel getting so excited when he understands what I've just said, trips to the orphanage to hold my little Jillybean who insists her name is Jillian and not Jillybean :), reading my kids journal entries, having my students ask me "is this correct or incorrect?" or "yes or no Miss?", the copious amounts of hugs, and the sincere prayers!

This was my first full year teaching in my own classroom and I couldn't have asked for anything more. It has truly been the most challenging and rewarding year of my life. Nothing beats the feeling of being a teacher!

Thank you God for such a beautiful gift :)!

Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach” –Aristotle

1 comment:

YFA said...

Aww, Bridget! You're going to leave a piece of your heart behind - but somehow that will give you the capacity to love even more.

You've made a difference in these kids lives. Even ones who don't have much memory of this time later on, will have your "stamp" on them.

Sending a big hug your way!! Love you lots!