Thursday, November 18, 2010


The First Grade day of lemonade making was a hit!

The day before we made the lemonade the students made "Lemonade Stand" signs. I split them up into six groups in each class to make the signs. Here are some of the groups with their creations :):

Leah, Anyelo, Pablo, Genesis, and Jose Maximino
Javier, Maria Jose (Mom - this is the little girl I want to adopt!), Jose Alberto, and Harold

Joseemir (what a face!), Kimberly, Ildellynne, and Jose Rejinaldo
This was my favorite sign:
Katherine, Nelson, Mariela, and Carmen
I went outside ten minutes before I had the students come out so I could get set up...
Ready to go
Lots of Lemons!
Mr. Ball and the sixth graders came to help us...
Big Group ready to start squeezing some lemons
Jeff and I share a lot of siblings between our classes. Here are some of the sets:
Milca and her big sister
Anyelo and his big brother Carlos
Solangel and her big sister
Harrison and his big brother Chris
Miss Varela (Wendy) was a HUGE help. She was great with the kids and did most of the cleaning after we finished making our lemonade. I am so grateful for her...

Wendy with Maximino. He is so bad in my class but oh so cute!
Me with Omar. Look Mom -- I'm wearing the dress you sent me :)

Anne, Jackie, and Jeff were all amazing helpers. Since Anne and Jackie just teach for half of the day they are free in the afternoons to tutor the low students in 1st - 6th grade. On this particular day they didn't need to tutor anyone, so I got some extra hands :)!

Anne cutting some lemons

Jackie cutting lemons
Jeff handing a lemon he cut to one of the students

It was so great to see the sixth graders helping the first graders. After the lemonade had been made, my students had to write down the steps they took in their Science journals. The sixth graders helped them write all of the steps in English. I loved watching them work together: 

Amanda getting some help

Rachel working hard

We had a great day -- and the lemonade tasted pretty good too :)

"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way"


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures. You are doing an amazing job Bridget. All of the kids are adorable and you are absolutely beautiful.

Check into the adoption process.....I think she would be a wonderful addition to our family....



Aunt Karen said...

Great photos! Love the activity. Glad you paired up with older kids to help! I'm sure it was fun for them, too... and a tremendous help for you and your students.
