Sunday, November 14, 2010

More "You Know You're Living in Honduras When..."

Jackie started a facebook group called "You know you're living in Honduras when..."

It's pretty comical to read the things people have posted so far so I had to share:

-Pouring dirty water over your head with a tubaware container is an acceptable means of bathing.

-You know that a piece of cracker no bigger than your fingernail WILL attract every insect within a ten mile radius.

-You realize you've been lied to about roosters for your entire life. 

-Your playlist is slowly expanding to include Christian Rock/Top 40 eighties music/Spanish Pop Songs with three lyrics

-You actually kind of miss Walmart

-You've blown your budget if you spend more than $10 on anything.

-You have no idea what mantequilla is, but you eat it at least a couple times a week.

-You have been offered a ride on a horse/bicycle/semi-truck on more than one occasion

-Your favorite local hot spot is Texaco

-You're anxiety food cravings become tajaditas and a Pepsi.

-Your name becomes Ms. or Mr. 

-You use dental floss to fix the pump for your toilet. (that's McGyver right there)

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. - Jamie Paolinetti

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